
The most common lumps I operate are cysts, fatty lumps(lipoma) and scalp lumps(pilar cysts or trichelemmal cyst)


Lump Neck
This lump in the neck was cut out, this picture before operation
This a 3 cm lump close up
After Operation
This lump was successfully removed. There is a faint scar just south of the mole
Sebaceous Cyst Neck
Before Operation
Post surgery
Lump back
This lump in the back was cut out, this picture before operation
Side View
Side view of this lump
This was the lump that was cut out, this is a fatty lump or a lipoma
After Operation
This lump was successfully removed. This was the picture just before the stitches were removed in 2 weeks after operation
Lump back before operation
Lump was a lipoma
After operation before stitiches removed