Melanoma Checks Auckland
I have been doing dermoscopic mole checks since 2005. I hold a Diploma in Dermoscopy. I have picked up several early melanomas, hence offering 100% cure rate (time is the essence here). If you suspect you have a mole that is suspicious, please do not wait, pick up the phone and ring 09 585 0188 to book in to see me, or send me an email, or use the book now page.
I don’t need a referral from your GP but can send them a note if you wish to. For most patients I first check the moles that they are concerned about, either be it a new mole or a changing mole. This is followed by a full head to toe consultation of all the moles with the dermoscope.
Only the moles of concern can be checked if you wish. I am an affiliated provider for southern cross insured patients for skin cancer work.
You can request a chaperone or bring in a support person. Your modesty is maintained all the time with appropriate covering. Skin of the breast, genitals or buttock areas are not routinely checked. You should alert me if there are any moles under these areas to be checked.
It would help me if you do not wear facial make up. Nail polishes needs to be removed before the check.
Treatment in the form of cryotherapy or liquid Ice is usually performed at the time of the consultation. If you require a biopsy or surgical excision, it will be scheduled for a different day.
Melanoma Types
There are many types of Melanoma.

Superficial Spreading Melanoma
The most common and easily diagnosed melanoma is the superificial spreading melanoma. This is the melanoma where you the ABCDE criteria can be used to diagnose. Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Colours, Diameter and Evolution.

Nodular Melanoma
These melanoma do not have the typical melanoma features. The can be coloured or plain. They may start as a bump which can bleed. ABCD criteria is of no use but E ( evolution, change) is very important to pick these up. IF YOU NOTICE A RAPIDLY CHANGING BUMP YOU NEED TO GET THIS CHECKED OUT ASAP.
It is very important to pick these up very early. It has a very aggressive growth phase and grows about 0.49 mm depth per month (compared to superficial spreading melanomas which grow at a rate of 0.12 mm depth per month).

Amelanotic Melanoma
These melanoma do not have pigment. THEY LACK THE ABCD (A for symmetry, B for border irregularity, C for colours and D for dimension.) This could be a red bump or flat.
Why is survival after diagnosis of amelanotic melanoma is poorer than after pigmented melanoma?
Melanoma FAQ

What is melanoma?
Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer. It arises from the pigment forming cells of the skin called melanocytes. There are about 4000 cases of melanoma diagnosed every year in New Zealand. That is 13 per day.
It may develop from a preexisting mole, but the majority will arise from where there was no preexisting mole.
If diagnosed early the cure rate is 100%.

What causes melanomas?
The most important cause is exposure to excessive sunlight (UV radiation) which damages the skin (sun burn) and genetic factors. Recently there have several genes studied that are related to melanoma.

How do I know if my mole or freckle is a melanoma?
Most moles are normal. If you have a mole that is new or changing in any form or colour or shape, gets crusty or bleeds or itches it needs checked.

What does melanoma look like?
If your mole is new and changes it needs checked. Melanomas can occur in a preexisting mole. It may stand out, become darker, itches, or gets crusty, or grows . Please click here to see a melanoma image.

Am I at risk of developing a melanoma?
- fair skin that burns
- have many moles
- have had sun burns in the past
you should have a regular skin check with a doctor trained in early skin cancer diagnosis. Are you at risk?

How do I diagnose melanoma early?

How is your Melanoma mole check different to the one done at molemap or molecheck or with my GP or the dermatologist?

What qualifications or further education do you have to do a mole check?
- Advanced Certificate in Dermoscopy and Dermal Imaging, University of Queensland, 2007.
- Certificate in Dermoscopy, Skin Cancer College of Australia, 2017.
- Auckland Hospital GP with special interest in skin cancer work – 2012 to 2017. .
- Diploma in Dermoscopy, completed 2019 (University of Queensland, Australia)
- Southern Cross Affiliated Provider for Skin Cancer Work 2012 – current
- Full Membership NZ Skin Cancer Doctors(NZSCD)

What happens when I book in for a full body mole check with you?

Do you do a full mole map or picture all my moles?

What happens if you think I have a melanoma?

If I have to have surgery can I have it done it with you or someone else?

When will the biopsy report be ready?

If the biopsy report says I have a melanoma what does that mean in term of my survival?

Do I need to have further surgery if the biopsy report is a melanoma?

Once the melanoma is cleared what follow up do I need to have?

Can you pick up other forms of skin cancer early?

What advice would you give to protect from further sun damage?