Squamous Cell Cancer (SCC)
Squamous Cell Cancers or SCC is the second most common skin cancer. This is much more aggressive than Basal Cell Cancer. If left too long these can spread to the rest of the body (metastasis). The majority of SCC arise from Solar or Actinic Keratosis (AK). The most common reason for this is sun damage due to exposure to UV radiation from the sunlight.
These arise a red lump which can be tender. It is usually scaly on top. Sometimes they grow at an alarmingly fast rate (keratoacanthoma).
If a red lump that fails to heal or bleeds please have them checked early. If picked up and treated early it can be fully cured. Surgery is the best option. For very early SCCs (bowens disease or intraepithelial SCC or SCC in situ), cryotherapy or efudix(Fluorouracil) cream can be used. Imiquimod (Aldara) cream is an off licence indication.

Squamous Cell Cancer (SCC)
SCC or Squamous Cell Cancers of the neck. This was successfully removed at Eastmed Doctors.

Squamous Cell Cancer (SCC)
If these are poorly differentiated (left too long), they like melanomas would require further treatment. This involves further surgery or radiation treatment.
This one was left more than 2 years on the neck.

Squamous Cell Cancer (SCC)
The cancers are usually crusty on top and fail to heal.

Actinic Keratosis(AK)
Several areas of red, scaly patches and below the middle finger a very thick white scaly area, all of these are Actinic Keratosis

Actinic Keratosis(AK)
Scalp get a lot of sun and hence lot more Actinic Keratosis.